Resolution: Canceled
Data 0.3
Issues closed as MONARCH has transitioned from UCSD services
Not currently in DISCO.
Data type: GENO-PHENO
Data Format: CSV
Resource URL:
Details: this has lots of geno-pheno data on mouse strains... i think many phenotypes might actually in MP, with embellishment to explain why, in a "description" field, but it's not consistent across the different strains. here's a report page: as an example of the type of data they have; a full db dump can be obtained from, using blank values entered in each html form field, which delivers a CSV file. currently there's 1958 strains.
the result has the following column headers:
ID | Nickname | Name | Designation | Mode of inheritance | Gene name | Gene symbol | Protein expression of altered gene | Gene synonyms | MGI Gene accession ID | Allele Name | Allele symbol | MGI Allele accession ID | Chromosome | Ensemble Gene ID | Transcript ID | Transcript name | bp coding sequence position | bp cdna sequence position | bp change | Exon ID | Exon number | Amino acid position | Amino acid change | Genomic position | Intron number | Mutation type | Strand type | Coding Sequence | Novelty | Transgene name | Transgene promoter | Transgene expression level | Congenic Gene name | Congenic Gene symbol | Congenic Protein expression of altered gene | Congenic Gene synonyms | Congenic MGI Gene accession ID | Congenic Allele Name | Congenic Allele symbol | Congenic MGI Allele accession ID | Congenic Gene Chromosome | Homozygous phenotype | Heterozygous phenotype | Current genetic background | Female homozygous viable | Female homozygous fertile | Female heterozygotes/hemizygotes fertile | Male homozygous viable | Male homozygous fertile | Male heterozygotes/hemizygotes fertile | Evidence of compromised male fertility | Breeding performance | # generations backcrossed to background strain | # sib-mated generations | Mating scheme | Requires homozygous matings | Date created (dd/mm/yyyy) | Stock stored as
I've noticed that some of the genetic changes are actually known, but not called out in a specific column...
we should discuss if we need all these cols or not.
Map APN strain phenotypes to MP | Closed | Chris Mungall |